Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Sarah Smile

((¯`♥´¯)) When the difficulties come, and pile so high on top of 
✿.*.¸.*¨`*•✿ one another that you can't see the way forward, 
you have a choice. You can choose to give up,or you can choose
to get stronger.

Sarah continues to stay strong and carry on 
and makes fabulous progress

University Health Care Sugar House Health Center

  • 1138 Wilmington Ave
  • Salt Lake City, UT 84106-2819

Shown here at University Health Care

and congratulations to our beautiful family member

she received

Chantelle received  CIHR Doctoral Fellowship

with her friend at the Doctoral Awards Banquet 

"Children in Autumn"

" Here, in the soft, sweet-smelling haze,
a maple stands alone, a blaze
of color, stirring memories
of rustic lanes and giant trees;
and there, along the curb for miles--
the leaves raked up in equal piles.

Could there be anything we know
that can evoke the wondrous glow
of childhood more than trampling leaves?
How clearly, then, the soul perceives--
amid the miracle of fall,
that we are children, one and all.

Oh, let me never grow too old
to be bewitched by autumn's gold--
to share the overwhelming joy
within the heart of that small boy
or girl who runs a muck when he or
she perceives these tempting ordered
piles of leaves."

~ Jean S. Platt

Words remind us to breathe, to relax, to slow down and enjoy life.
Find your zen in every day and appreciate every single blessing
of which we all have many.

ℒℴѵℯ ~♥♥~ ℒℴѵℯ ~♥♥~ ℒℴѵℯ ~♥♥~ ℒℴѵℯ ~♥♥~ ℒℴѵℯ ~♥♥~
"Every child is a gift of nature. Give them their today. Give them
their time to play and make way for their future."


  1. Hi Jeanne,

    So glad to hear that Sarah is staying strong and making progress and has a smile on her face. Congratulations to Chantelle.
    Happy day

  2. Love and hugs and kisses
