Saturday 11 April 2015

National Siblings Day

I believe yesterday was National Siblings Day
I am a day late 
but the sentiments are just the same

"But if the while I think on thee,
All losses are restored and sorrows end. "
For my sweet late beloved Sister Sharon in Heaven

8 out of 10 people have at least one sibling, and psychologists say our brothers and sisters have a profound effect on who we are.
• They buffer stress. Research shows that having a brother or sister adds an extra level of protection and moral support, especially during stressful events like a separation or divorce.
• University of Illinois researchers found that siblings fight anywhere from six to 10 times per hour. But they help kids learn how to do things like stick up for themselves, negotiate, and compromise.
• We strive to be different from our siblings - and that’s what makes us independent.
• Siblings help our romantic relationships. Having a brother or sister of the opposite sex makes it easier for us to form adult relationships - because we already know how to relate to the opposite sex.
From the Site John Tesh on Facebook

Always remembering my sweet little Sister Sharon in Heaven
and those that are soul Sisters to me.

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.

Marion C. Garretty

Today is Sisters Day and each and every day I cherish my beautiful Sister

A Sister is a forever friend.

Also sending prayers up to Heaven to my sweet Sister Sharon.

wo are better than one,
because they have a good reward
for their toil. 
   Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NRSV) 

        A sister is someone more special than
words. She's love mixed with friendship;
the best things in life. She's so much
inner beauty blended together with an
outward appearance that brings a smile
to the happiness in your heart...

A sister is one of the most precious people in
the story of your life. And you'll always be
together, whether you�re near or apart.

Together, you have shared some of the most
special moments two people have ever shared.
A sister is a perspective on the past, and she's
a million favorite memories that will always last.
A sister is a photograph that is one of your most
treasured possessions. She's a note that arrives on
a special day, and when there's news to share,
she's the first one you want to call. A sister is
a reminder of the blessings that come from
closeness. Sharing secrets. Disclosing dreams.
Learning about life together.

A sister is a confidante and a counselor. She's a
dear and wonderful friend, and -- in certain
ways -- something like a twin. She's a hand
within your hand; she's so often the only one
who really understands. A sister is honesty and
trust enfolded with love. She's sometimes the
only person who sees the horizon from your
point of view, and she helps you to see things
more clearly. She is a helper and a guide, and
she is a feeling, deep inside, that makes you
wonder what you would ever do without her.

What is a sister? She's someone more special
than words; someone beautiful and unique.
And in so many ways, there is no one who
is loved so dearly. 
      -Poem by Douglas Pagels


  1. Hi Jeanne,

    Lovely post and happy National Sibling day to you - I love to be with my brother and sister very much and families are such important part of our life.
    Thanks for sharing and hope you are enjoying the weekend

  2. Blessings and much love X0X0

  3. I love the vintage photos and all the happy, pretty, poufy dresses.
