Friday 4 April 2014

Consider This

Consider this:
When life shifts and moves and alters its course outside of our control we can adapt to the situation. We can alter our form and adjust to the new conditions and in the course of doing so stay more open to opportunity and happiness.

Yet, water has a fierce side that can destroy all that is in its path. It can reshape mountains and rocks, destroy towns and wash away any proof of what was there prior to its havoc. This power, this force has no patience or forgiveness .

We have the ability to be like water, to adjust to alter or to allow our anger and resentment to destroy the potential of what can be. We have the power to shape our lives to create beauty or devastation.

Be like the beauty of water and realize you have the power in you to be the harshest side as well. Aware that our actions create our lives and those actions always seep over into the lives of others.

As read on Facebook Author Unknown to me

Soon it will be time to put on our Easter Bonnets

Spring is the Queen of all seasons
and Easter is her crown

“Life isn't a Matter of Milestones but of Moments"❥
......*((*.... * )...“But listen to me.
........*)..... ((* For one moment quit being sad.
........*(...... )*... Hear blessings dropping their blossoms
......c(¯¯)..(¯¯)♥ around you.” ~Rumi

"May each day unfold...
for you like roses sparkling in the dew, that open to the morning sun and bloom until the day is through.

And may each passing moment bring a song as pure as angels sing but may there be above all things, a peace that only God can bring."

"I always know that God loves me
I feel it in a million ways
I see it in His rainbows
On sunny and rainy days
He nurtures all of His creations
He is so proud of every one
But there is one thing that I notice
In springtime’s blazing sun
It’s like a heavenly palette
With colors bright and true
After the cold harsh winters
God brings treasures to me and you
It’s His way of showing us His love
With fragrances wafting in the air
He knows winter can be harsh
So with His flowers He will share

He shows there is hope in tomorrow
With these sweet blooms that He brings
And raises up our spirits high
How I love God’s colorful spring!"
~ God's Colorful Spring by Marilyn Lott

In April, in April

My heart is set
Where the pansy and the violet
And the daffodil,
And close-folded lilies grow
In borders dark with melted snow.
Wakening there from wintry sleep
With every bud I sunward creep.
The empurpled crocuses, that dare
With delicate veins the dawn-cold air,
Cradle me in their chalices
Amid the golden sediment.
There I lie in warm content
And listen to the velvet bees,
Watching their dark blue shadows fall
Along the half-transparent wall.
When the sharp-pointed grasses prick
Upward, all passionate to be free,
I share their conflict, fierce and quick,
With the earthen will; I know their glee.
In the star-tinted pimpernel
I hear the silver tongue of rain;
And learn the perfume thrushes smell,
Which makes their song as keen as pain;
And see, where long-lashed daisies crowd,
New revelations in the cloud.
That is why, when old I grow
And near my end, I shall not know.
For every year my heart is set
With the pansy and the violet
And the daffodil:
Submerged within their beauty, I
Transcend my poor mortality.

~In April 
Mary Webb 

Love windchimes


  1. Hi Jeanne,

    Lovely post and yes, won't be long now and it will be Easter.
    happy weekend
